Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year

New year = new bag, new clothes, new shoes, new cellularphone but new thinking, new experience, new attitude.
I think that's the meaning for new year.
Hmm, by the way ...........
In the lastday of 2011, i feel nothing special [for me]
I don't know why :| This year is different than the last year or 2 years ago.
I feel this year is the BAD of the bad year :3
(Maybe I'm not be grateful to God for my day in 2011)

Humph, i can't write all of my feeling in here bcoz i don't know how to write it/
Just that my post today :)


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holiday Will End

hi, long time no see ;)
Holiday will end and we'll back to the hell -_-

Hmm, i think this holiday are:
- Fun
- Bored
- Laugh
- Badmood

Maybe my a little hope of this holiday become real :) but, I still badmood in this holiday because many things .

I don't know want to post anything. I think just that :) Thankyou ~

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Libur t'lah tiba , Libur t'lah tiba ! Hore Hore !

Gatau dah liburan kali ini bakal menyenangkan ato engga ==" rasanya bosan bgt gitu x_x
Ga ada yg spesial di liburan kali ini =_=" paling Natal sm Tahun Baru aja :|

Siap2 aja kalo liburan kali ini bakal jadi 'Bad Holiday'

Huft x_x berharap liburan ini ga akan seburuk yg dibayangkan deh ._.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fall for YOU - Secondhand Serenade

The best thing 'bout tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

Oh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Afraid

I'm afraid of you
I'm afraid of them
I'm afraid of myself
I'm afraid :$

Why I'm so stupid ? Why ?
It's my fault ! But, you made me hate you first . If you me don't made me to hate you, I never AFRAID !!
Huh -_- it's so annoying me ! I hate this situation. It's happen bcoz YOU !!
And now, I hate you more than first and more than you knew !! >:O

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Birthday

27 November 1998 adalah hari kelahiranku . Dimana ɑĸυ muncul ke dunia ini :)
Demi demi hari kulewati bersama orang tua dan teman-temanku dan tak terasa ɑĸυ sudah 13 tahun sekarang karena hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunku :)
Senang rasanya . Apalagi tadi pagi ɑĸυ sudah mendapat suprise dr mama dan ceceku :) Thanks to them XD
Smg dengan bertambahnya umurku ini, ɑĸυ bisa mjd lebih dewasa dan melakukan hal-hal yg positif :D
Thanks to God too :D really вe grateful ☺
Smg dg bertambahnya usiaku , ɑĸυ bisa membanggakan orangtua dan keluargaku. Ameen O:)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Best Friend

Hi guys :D
Kalian pasti punya best friend kan ? :)
Pasti senang banget ya habis sll sama-sama :)

Skrg aku mau post beberapa foto mengenai best friend :D

Itu beberapa foto ttg best friend (:
Sekarang aku mau post lagi bbrpa foto bestfriendkuu :D

 Me - Kitty - Sari


 Sari - Melinda




They're my best friends :D
Be grateful to God bcoz I can know them :) Thanks God :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bentar lagi ulangan umum K
Ga siap ! Bener-bener ga siap !
Rasanya baru aja sekolah , udah mau ulangan umum !
Harus belajar ekstra >.<” Huft !
Paling malas kalo disuruh belajar MTK , Fisika , KTK , Sejarah , Geografi !! Malas bgt ==”

Tapi anehnya,kenapa sampe sekarang jadwal ulangan belum dibagiin sama sekali ?? Perasaan anak SMA & SD udah dapet , kok SMP belum yah ? =_=”
Ahh , yasudahlah x_x mau sudah dibagikan ataupun belum aku ttp blm siap –
Setiap mau belajar pasti ada aja godaannya , padahal mau dapat peringkat 5 besar ==”

HUFT ! Pusingss x_x

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I’m tired !
My physical , my mind , my heart are TIRED !
I’m really really tired !
I need a refreshing , I need a calm situation !
Who can help me to lost this ?
WHO ? I need someone who can make me calm !
I don’t need a person if she/he just make me more tired !

Huft K
I can’t write more again !
I’M TIRED ! -___-

Sunday, November 13, 2011


If you come when I need you..
If you come when I love you..
If you come when I miss you..
I’ll really happy

If I can back to that moment..
If I can rotate the time..
If I can stop the time..
I’ll really be grateful

If they kind to me from first..
If they like me from first..
If they want to be my friends from first..
I’ll be a good person


If all of that can become REAL ….
I’ll happy , be grateful and be a good person more than NOW ! J

[Tips] Don't be a badmoodters :p

Itulah kata-kata yang kita gunain pas kita lg kesel atau marah ._.
Apa sih yang bikin kalian badmood ?
Masalah cinta ? Masalah temen ? Atau masalah keluarga ?
Hmm, mungkin semua itu termasuk hal-hal yang bikin kita BM >.<”
Aku juga salah satu tipe orang yang cepet banget badmood ._.
Tapi, setelah aku pikir apa sih untungnya kita badmood ? Rasanya ga ada ._.
Bayangin aja,kalo kita lagi badmood kita pasti ga mau diganggu. Lalu kalo ada temen yg mau bercanda / curhat sm kita? Kita diamin gitu aja? Itu kan bisa merusak persahabatan. Terus kalo kita lagi badmood pasti kita gampang banget terPROVOKASI , jadi kalo ada yang bilang kita yang jelek-jelek pasti langsung marah dan mungkin banyak temen yang ga mau berteman sama kita lagi.
Ruginya banyak kannn ? XD

Jadi, sebelum kamu marah-marah gaje,baiknya kamu pikir dulu resikonya. Jangan yang ga salah juga jadi korban ==”
Badmood boleh,tapi jangan kelewat batas. Jangan sampe ga mau ngomong, ga mau ngapa-ngapain -_-“

Sekian aja deh . Semoga bisa diterapkan sama kawan-kawan semua :p LOL~

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Best Friend

I just want to remind you that I love you A LOT and Thank God everyday for blessing me with a friend that just simply amazing. So,when you think there is no one who UNDERSTANDS  or  CARES, remember that !
I YOU and try to SMILE J


Semenjak Best Friend ku pindah ke Pontianak, aku ga ada teman lagi disini -_-
Sepi rasanya ._.
Kalo berkomunikasi dg bestfriendku itu palingan Cuma lewat sms ==” ga puas !
Dia juga jarang online FB, jadi susah banget mau chat. Kadang pas aku ngga online, dia malah online. Pas aku online, dia ngga online -_- susah dah pokoknya !
Lalu kalo mau sms juga harus lihat waktu -_-“
Kalo sms siang, dia mau les . Kalo sore , aku yg mau les. Malam ? Dia udah mau bobo K
Pokoknya aku kesepian disini !
Ada sih bestfriendku disini,cuma dia kayaknya ngga meduliin aku ==” dia lbh mentingin bestfriend dia yg lain -_-“
Setiap istirahat,aku sll nungguin dia kalo dia blm keluar kelas,nungguin dia piket. Tapi dia? Ngga pernah ! Palingan Cuma sekali / dua kali ! Ngeselin bgt yah ? ==” sesuatu !

Huft L

New Blogger

I'm a new blogger , so I want intro first :)
My name's Novi Thedora. You just call me Novi.
Many people said my name's NOVI THEODORA but my name not like that ! I'm not THEODORA  , I'm THEDORA ;)
My birth date is 27th November ! My school's Saint Albert Junior High School in Ketapang :D
You know Ketapang ? It's a recency of West Borneo :)

You want know me more ? See my blog :D
Thankyou (∪ ◡ ∪)