Monday, May 28, 2012


Hi, long time no see XD heheh.
I have no idea to post :p but today i want to post something~~
Huaa, on 6th June - 14th June i'll get a semester test :|
It's driving me crazy. The test material is really really make me headache.
But i want to get nice mark and can make my family proud of me._. but (again) i'm lazy -_- *it's life*
Huah, i can't see the result if my value is down d|-_-|b

Hmm, btw there's my friends who reads this? If there's , i want give u the schedule of the semester test.

- Wednesday : Biology (Biologi) - Indonesian Language (B.Indonesia)
- Thursday : Physics (Fisika) - Computer Lesson (TIK)
- Friday : Economi (Ekonomi) - Music Art (Kesda)
- Saturday : Math (Matematika) - Culture Lesson (KTK)
- Monday : Religion Lesson (Agama) - Chinesse Language (Mandarin)
- Tuesday : Citezenship Education (PKn) - Sport Lesson (OR)
- Wednesday : English Language (B.Inggris) - History Language (Sejarah)
- Thursday : Geography (Geografi)

That is the schedule (maybe) hehehe..
Hope this post can useful for my friends who still don't know :) Hehehe.

Thanks for visiting and see u in the next post ;)

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