Sunday, July 29, 2012

Grade IX

Yeay! Finally i'n in grade IX now ^^ Yuhuu~~
I still can remember when I was in grade VII & VIII wkkw, Time goes very quickly, less than 1 year i'll go to Senior High School {}
But, in grade IX now i must study more hard for National Exam. Huaa, i'm not ready for it T^T
my school will start the extra lesson on September ._. huah, it must be tiring..
I can't be relax again :s oh God, oh mom ... kkk~
From this August, my teachers have give us manymanymany task x_x omo~ seems like National Exam is so scary .-.
but, after the National Exam and I've accept my result (hope my result will be good^-^) i'll stay in home for 2months x_x wkwk. it should be boring :s hahaha

I think just this bcz i don't know what to post again. my brain is BLANK now. hahaha. Okay, see you all <3

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hi everyone ;)
July 16th , we started school again ._. huaa..
I don't know i'll go to what class later ;_; hope my friends will one class with me~ wkwk
Hmm, i've prepared everything and my day will bcome like usual again~~ huhu
but there's one difficult thing to change bcoz of holiday, that's "sleep early" . In my holiday, I always sleep around 1/2am and I always wake up at 11/12 am ;_; i'm worried that i can't wake up early again :x
Mmm, but no problem la ;) slowly, step by step I can sleep and wake up like usual ;) hehehe:p

I think i have no idea again to post :p just that ~ kkk :p bye ;)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Logo

Hi guys, long time no see ^^~ i have no inspiration to post. haha. But now, i want to post something :p
I want post my name/my logo :p hmm, maybe this isn't important but i just want to post it ^^ check out ! :)

My name ^^ i edited it with CaptureNux :)

hmm, and this.. My name in Hangul (Korean Writings) ^^ Check out~

Hehe, just that. You want ? kkk~ just kding~

I think i just want post that~^^ Hmm, bye. see you in next post. hehehe.
Have a nice day all ❤ God bless you :)