Sunday, December 30, 2012

How can it's called FRIENDS?

Hi blogger ;) long time no see ^^ i miss you all~ hehehe. sorry for not update for a long time. i was busy :p hehehe. oh ya, i want to sharing something :D check outtt

Hmm, i have problems with my "friends". Actually, this's not my problem but i just help my friends. And u know what i got? I got *maybe* hated. asdgh :s but i don't care, really don't care =)) i hate them too:p
I know everyone has egoism but, it has the capacity lah~ huft.
can't understand it -.- but i believe this's the best way :') from this problem, we can know who are our REAL FRIENDS and who are our FAKE FRIENDS :)
everything happens for reasons :D i believe that :)

Hmm, actually i want to share more but i think for now is enough ^^~ thanks for reading my post. Sorry if there's wrong grammar/sentences ;) hehehe. If you want to share ur opinion, u can comment :) i must be happy if there're many opinion for me :')

Oh ya, MERRY CHRISTMAS :) i know this's too late. ckckck.

@NoviThedora ;)

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's Tiring but I Enjoy It ;D

Hi, long time no see readers :D kk~ i have no idea to post u,u
Whoah, i'm on grade IX now ~~ many homework and test ;__; and this January 2013 (maybe) we'll get a little test . kk~ it must be tiring ;_;
From 3rd Sept 2012 we've got extra lesson and we must go home at 3p.m T^T
Huah, this's really tiring :'( but i enjoy it ;D
Idk why i feel really enjoy with my grade now =)) maybe bcz of my new class, new friends (?) hmm u,u
Acctualy, in my class now there're no new friends but the friends that i never get interaction before~ hahaha.
I think they're all funny =D the boys in my class are really really SENSATIONAL =))
My class must be full of laugh if they have make humor =D sometimes, they make our teacher mad =))
ALL TEACHER~ lolol. so, I just enjoy it xD

Okay, i just want to say that ;) kk~ just want to share my story :p
GBU all <3 love ya. See you ^-^

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Grade IX

Yeay! Finally i'n in grade IX now ^^ Yuhuu~~
I still can remember when I was in grade VII & VIII wkkw, Time goes very quickly, less than 1 year i'll go to Senior High School {}
But, in grade IX now i must study more hard for National Exam. Huaa, i'm not ready for it T^T
my school will start the extra lesson on September ._. huah, it must be tiring..
I can't be relax again :s oh God, oh mom ... kkk~
From this August, my teachers have give us manymanymany task x_x omo~ seems like National Exam is so scary .-.
but, after the National Exam and I've accept my result (hope my result will be good^-^) i'll stay in home for 2months x_x wkwk. it should be boring :s hahaha

I think just this bcz i don't know what to post again. my brain is BLANK now. hahaha. Okay, see you all <3

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hi everyone ;)
July 16th , we started school again ._. huaa..
I don't know i'll go to what class later ;_; hope my friends will one class with me~ wkwk
Hmm, i've prepared everything and my day will bcome like usual again~~ huhu
but there's one difficult thing to change bcoz of holiday, that's "sleep early" . In my holiday, I always sleep around 1/2am and I always wake up at 11/12 am ;_; i'm worried that i can't wake up early again :x
Mmm, but no problem la ;) slowly, step by step I can sleep and wake up like usual ;) hehehe:p

I think i have no idea again to post :p just that ~ kkk :p bye ;)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Logo

Hi guys, long time no see ^^~ i have no inspiration to post. haha. But now, i want to post something :p
I want post my name/my logo :p hmm, maybe this isn't important but i just want to post it ^^ check out ! :)

My name ^^ i edited it with CaptureNux :)

hmm, and this.. My name in Hangul (Korean Writings) ^^ Check out~

Hehe, just that. You want ? kkk~ just kding~

I think i just want post that~^^ Hmm, bye. see you in next post. hehehe.
Have a nice day all ❤ God bless you :)


Saturday, June 23, 2012

David Archuleta - Elevator

I love David Archie and I love his song. But now, i'm falling in love with David's song ELEVATOR
I want give u the lyrics ^^ Check out !


I had a dream last night
I didn't know whoch floor to get off on, hey
The door, they opened 4 and 5 and 6
And you were gone, all gone

I didn't understand
I didn't wanna to know
At least I took a chance
I had to let it go

* Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high

And in my dream last night
The doors they finally shut
And I was there, somewhere
Alone in my reality inside an empty box
That's filled with the air but I don't care, no

Next time I'll get it right
Next time I'll be okay
I'll have a different dream tonight
Tomorrow's another day

Repeat *

You'll never know
What you're gotta get
What you don't except will come and find you
If you laugh or cry, if you run and hide
But it's allright

Repeat *

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Yihhaaa \=D/
FREEEE.. The exam is finished !!
Huah, i don't need to study everyday again ~~ kekekeke.
But, i'm afraid if i get bad mark :| the result will be out on 23th June-_-
huoo. what will happen with my mark :x i can't see it if my mark is more bad than before. haha.
hope my mark can make me and my family satishfied~ ^^
just hope that for now. ckckck.

i just want to tell this, bye. hehehe.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Hi, long time no see XD heheh.
I have no idea to post :p but today i want to post something~~
Huaa, on 6th June - 14th June i'll get a semester test :|
It's driving me crazy. The test material is really really make me headache.
But i want to get nice mark and can make my family proud of me._. but (again) i'm lazy -_- *it's life*
Huah, i can't see the result if my value is down d|-_-|b

Hmm, btw there's my friends who reads this? If there's , i want give u the schedule of the semester test.

- Wednesday : Biology (Biologi) - Indonesian Language (B.Indonesia)
- Thursday : Physics (Fisika) - Computer Lesson (TIK)
- Friday : Economi (Ekonomi) - Music Art (Kesda)
- Saturday : Math (Matematika) - Culture Lesson (KTK)
- Monday : Religion Lesson (Agama) - Chinesse Language (Mandarin)
- Tuesday : Citezenship Education (PKn) - Sport Lesson (OR)
- Wednesday : English Language (B.Inggris) - History Language (Sejarah)
- Thursday : Geography (Geografi)

That is the schedule (maybe) hehehe..
Hope this post can useful for my friends who still don't know :) Hehehe.

Thanks for visiting and see u in the next post ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Price Tag Lyrics - Jessie J

Seems like everybody's got a price
I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first and the truth comes second
Just stop for a minute and SMILE

Why is everybody so serious?
Acting so damn mysterious?
Got your shades on your eyes and your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time...

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (uh)
Can you feel that , yeah
We'll pay them with love tonight

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the (uh) cha-ching, cha-cing
Ain't about the (yeah) ba-bling, ba-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

We need to take it back in time
When music made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes
Am I the only one getting tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happines
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be felling
All right



Well keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six strings and a half stack
And you can, can keep the cars
Leave me the garage              
And all I, yes all I need are keys and guitars
And guess what, in thirty seconds I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds
It's like this man, you can't put a price on the life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice every night
So we ain't gonna stumble and fall never
Waiting to see us in a sign of defeat uh uh
So we gonna keep everyone moving they feet
So bring back the beat and then everyone sing
It's not about the money

Yeah, yeah
Oh, forget about the price tag

Me and my friends want sing this song at school later ;) hope we can success o:) kkk~

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Super Junior's profile

Hi guys, long time no see XD
hmm, are you ELF ? If you are, i want to post Super Junior's member profile. Maybe you've know it but i just want to post ;) Check out ~~

Birth Name: Park Jung Soo
Stage Name: Leeteuk
Birthday: July 1, 1983
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Rapper
Blood Type: A
Height: 179cm
Twitter: @special1004

Birth Name: Han Geng
Stage Name: Hankyung
Birthday: February 9, 1984
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Blood Type: B
Height: 181cm

Birth Name: Kim Heechul
Stage Name: Heechul
Birthday: July 10, 1983
Position: Vocalist, Rapper
Blood Type: AB
Height: 179cm'
Twitter: @Heedictator

Birth Name: Kim Jong Woon
Stage Name: Yesung
Birthday: August 24, 1984
Position: Main Vocalist
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178
Twitter: @shfly3424

Birth Name: Kim Young Woon
Stage Name: Kangin
Birthday: January 17, 1985
Position: Vocalist
Blood Type: O
Height: 178cm
Twitter: @Himsenkangin

Birth Name: Shin Dong Hee
Stage Name: Shin Dong
Bitrhday: September 28, 1985
Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
Blood Type: O
Height: 178cm
Twitter: @ShinsFriends

Birth Name: Lee Sungmin
Stage Name: Sungmin
Birthday: January 1, 1986
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Blood Type: A
Height: 175cm
Twitter: @imSML

Birth Name: Lee Hyuk Jae
Stage Name: Eunhyuk
Birthday: April 4, 1986
Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist, Main Dancer
Blood Type: O
Height: 176cm
Twitter: @AllRiseSilver

Birth Name: Lee Dong Hae
Stage Name: Donghae
Birthday: October 15, 1986
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Rapper
Blood Type: A
Height: 176cm
Twitter: @donghae861015

Birth Name: Choi Siwon
Stage Name: Siwon
Birthday: April 4, 1987
Position: Vocalist, Face of the Group
Blood Type: B
Height: 185cm
Twitter: @siwon407

Birth Name: Kim Ryeo Wook
Stage Name: Ryeowook
Birthday: June 21, 1987
Position: Main Vocalist
Blood Type: O
Height: 175cm
Twitter: @ryeong9

Birth Name: Kim Ki Bum
Stage Name: Kibum
Birthday: August 21, 1987
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Blood Type: A
Height: 179cm
Twitter: @ikmbumik

Birth Name: Cho Kyuhyun
Stage Name: Kyuhyun
Birthday: February 3, 1988
Position: Maknae, Sub-Dancer, Lead Vocalist
Blood Type: A
Height: 180cm
Twitter: @GaemGyu

Yuhuu~ Hangeng and Kibum was out from Super Junor, Kangin was military service but now he's done, Heechul is in military service. And next year our leader Teukki military service too T_T huh~

Now, i want to give you Super Junior photos ;)

Thats it guys XD Just that~ See you in next post ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hi guys. Long time no see :)
Today, i just want posting some quote picture XD (bcoz i don't have idea to post) kekeke~
Check out! :)

Life is HARD and BEAUTIFUL. It took LOVE to see the beauty of it in the hardest time

It's never too late to be who you might have been - George Eliot 

Just believe in your dreams

No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with 

Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones.

The people who deserve NOTHING are handed EVERYTHING

Be yourself and quit trying to be everyone else

Thats it XD What do you thiink guys? Nice quote or Bad quote? ;)
In my opinion this is very very NICE QUOTE.
Hmm, just that ;) Visit and leave comment guys~
Thankyou-Terima Kasih-Kamsahamnida-Arigato-XieXie-Gracias-Grazie

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Grrr, kesal sm promotor SS4INA !!
Ga punya perasaan! Dia dengan santainya bilang semua tiket day 2 udah SOLD OUT ! Padahal katanya dibuka jam 8!
Emang promotor bodoh =_= dia gatau apa ELF Ina tu brp banyak -..-
Itu dia juga gatau seberapa besar perjuangan ELF Ina? Ada yg jalan kaki perginya, ada sakit2 juga rela ngantri tapi ttp ga dapat tiket ! Sampe2 ada ABG yg pingsan :|
Dia bener2 ga punya hati -_____- bzz
Really sucks !! Grrrr

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Yippi \=D/

My best friend came to Ketapang !!
Kmrn udah ke rumah Vanessa XD Nanti sore rencananya mau ke Glace :) Smg ga hujan XD xixixi..
Besok mau kemana lg yah ? :p
Udah lama ga ketemu gr2 dia sekolah di Ponti u,u ga seru ya ._. whahhwhah

Hmm, jadi keingat dulu..
Pas masih SD sll bertiga (Aku,Vanessa,Lili) Dr datang ke sekolah - pulang sekolah bertiga terus.
Miss that moment.
Lucunya itu, kalo aku sm Vanessa marahan ga bisa lama-lama. Pokoknya kalo misalnya istirahat pertama marahan, istirahat kedua pasti udah kayak biasa =)) Gatau napa bisa kyk gitu.
Kalo sehari ga ngomong / ga ketemu pasti aneh rasanya =))

Hmm, cb bisa ngulang ya u,u LOL~

Udah dulu ya :) Byeee~

Saturday, March 31, 2012

GoodBye David Archuletta :'(

Katanya David Archuletta mau vakum dr dunia tarik suara :'( Katanya dia mau jadi misionaris di gereja. Hmm, pekerjaan yg mulia XD tapi we'll miss you David Archie T_T
Maybe later, you're not popular & shine again in this world but you always popular & shine in my heart #eaa #gombal :p

This is a video from David Achuletta for us :( :(

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Design

Hello :)
Design my blogger have changed ! :D
I changed the background, the colour of the texts :) what do you think guys ?
More nice or .. ? Hehehehe.
Please give your opinion please :B

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hi friends, you know ? In JYP Ent there are 2 new actress . Their name are JB & JR. Real name of JB is Im Jaebum and real name of JR is Park Jin Young. They was born on 1994. JB born at January 6 , JR born at September 22.
Hmm, you want to know they? I'll give you some photos :) Check this XD

JB!! Handsome right? ;;) xixixi

JR! Cuteeeee ..

Hmm, just that ya:) See ya ({})